Mamma's outta town...

Daisy's mamma has been out of town for a couple of days, but thanks to the wonders of technology we've had video calls with her;) Here's what Daisy has been up to these past few days...

Daisy on the phone:- "I know and what d'ya make of this weather we're havin?"

"Dad, I hope you remembered some daisy-food in amongst all that toilet paper!"

"Hey, I like this happy birthday stuff, we should do this every year... another cream cake please!"

"I Love it when my big cousin Elliott comes to play!"

This is what happens when Daddy and Daisy have a debate about the proper usage of a spoon. Then I tried to explain to Daisy that we don't flick the spoon over our shoulder before we put it in our mouth, but she had other ideas and much of this lunch ended up on the floor and perhaps 10% reached it's destination:)


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