Daisy standing up

Daisy stood up by herself for the first time today, she pulled herself up on her walker! Time is just flying by, not long now until she is running havoc all over the house!
En stor tjej / A big girl

Det har hänt mycket i Daisys liv de senaste dagarna. Hon har lärt sig att sätta sig upp från liggande, börjat krypa och en ny tand har tittat fram. Vi har också slutat med amningen, nu sover hon så gott som hela nätter i egen säng. Hon är snart ingen bebis nå mer. Samtidigt som det är roligt att det går framåt, så känns det samtidigt lite vemodigt. Tiden går verkligen fort och det händer så mycket så man har svårt att hänga med. Daisy är väldigt nyfiken av sig och tycker om att undersöka, hon är inte blyg och är aldrig tyst. Hon är vårt lilla monster,
Alot has been going on with Daisy these past few days. She has leatrned how to sit up from lying, started crawling on all fours and a new tooth has appeared. She has also finished with breast feeding and she sleeps all through the night in her own bed (most of the time). She'll soon not be a baby anymore. While it's fun that she is developing it is a bit sad at the same time. Time really goes fast and so much is happening it's hard to keep up. Daisy is really curious and likes investigating, she's not shy and is never quiet. She's our little monster.
Alot has been going on with Daisy these past few days. She has leatrned how to sit up from lying, started crawling on all fours and a new tooth has appeared. She has also finished with breast feeding and she sleeps all through the night in her own bed (most of the time). She'll soon not be a baby anymore. While it's fun that she is developing it is a bit sad at the same time. Time really goes fast and so much is happening it's hard to keep up. Daisy is really curious and likes investigating, she's not shy and is never quiet. She's our little monster.
80-tals Daisy / 80's Daisy

Vi har lite problem med Daisys hår, det är alldeles för långt och hänger ner framför hennes ögon. Vi vet att vi borde klippa håret, men vill inte. Idag fick vi ett tips av mammas kusin att sätta ett hårband och det fungerar ganska bra.
We've been having trouble with Daisy's hair, it is getting too long and is in her eyes all the time. We know that we should get it cut but we don't want to. We got a hint from mamma's cousin today to use a hairband and it works pretty well ( Daddy thinks Daisy looks like someone from an 80's workout video, we should get her some sweatbands to match!)
Högtryckstvätt / Pressure washer

Högtryckstvätten kom till bra användning när vi skulle rengöra Daisys matstol.
The pressure washer came in handy the other day to clean Daisy's high-chair.
Tårtkalas / Birthday party

Idag har Daisy varit på kalas, hennes kusin har fyllt 7 år. Daisy fick också smaka tårta. Det var inga överraskning precis, hon tyckte myckte om det.
Daisy has been to her cousin's 7th birthday party today. Daisy got her first taste of cake. And surprise, surprise she liked it. (Daisy's mamma made the cake;) )
Today's Outfit
Nybadad/ Just out the bath

Daisy tycker om att bada, roligast är när hon får ligga ner i vattnet och sparka med benen så det sprättar överallt. Men det är inte så roligt i badbaljan för där får hon inte plats att sparka med benen, utan det ska vara stora badkaret. Idag har vi fått bilder som blivit framkallade, det blev ungefär 270 stycken. Daisy är på 99% av bilderna. Vi har tittat på dom och tänkt tillbaka på när hon var mindre. Tiden går så himla snabbt. Det var inte länge sen hon bara ville vara i famnen, gallskrek om vi la ner henne. Nu har det blivit tvärtom, nu vill hon inte vara i famnen utan ska vara på golvet och leka. När hon är på golvet så ålar hon från rum till rum. Toaletten är en favorit, det gäller att komma ihåg att stänga dörren dit. Det är ingen fara så länge man hör henne, men blir hon tyst så har hon hittat på nått hyss. Det sker så mycket med Daisy just nu och tiden går så snabbt, vi måste verkligen passa på att njuta av varje dag som går för nästa dag har hon förändrats en smula.
Daisy enjoys the bath. the best part is lying down and kicking and splashing all over the place. She doesnt like her own bath tub any more, she can't kick in it, the big bath is the better. We received around 270 pictures today that we had develóped, Daisy is in 99% of them. We looked through them and reminissed back to when she was smaller. Time goes so fast. It's not that long ago since she wanted to be in your lap all the time and started screaming the moment you put her down. Now it is the opposite, she doesn't want to be in your lap anymore, she wants to be on the floor playing. When she's on the floor she crawls (commando style) from room to room. The toilet is a favourite, we have to be sure and close the door. As long as you can hear her it's not a problem, it's when it goes quiet you know she is up to mischief. There's lots happening for Daisy right now, and time flys by, we really have to make the most of every day, for every day that goes by she has changed just a little bit.
The second week of summer holidays with daddy and all is well, Tess has gone back home to Alicia and Elsa so Daddy has been vaccuming all day:) Here's daisy reading her book while daddy vaccums. Daisy is going to miss not having Tess around to bite her tail and drink from her bowl!
Here's Daisy!

Hhhhhere's Daisy!
I need a clean nappy daddy!
Long lie
Today is the first day of my summer holidays with daddy, we went back to bed after breakfast at around 10 and didnt waken up until after 12 o'clock!! My average nap length is around 30 mins these days but it was so cosy with just me and daddy in the bed:)
På besök i gammelmosters stuga/ At great auntie's cabin
Första gången Daisy gungar / Daisy's first time on a swing
Daisy klappar kaninen / Daisy clapping the rabbit
Daisy känner på gräset, trodde hon skulle försöka sätta det i mun, men det gjorde hon inte.
Daisy feels grass for the first time, thought she would have tried to eat it but she didn't.
Daisy feels grass for the first time, thought she would have tried to eat it but she didn't.
Today's Outfit
Daisy vill inte sova
Igår somnade Daisy vid 8-tiden, men vaknade igen klockan 11 på kvällen och ville inte somna om. Istället så ville hon titta tv med mamma och daddy. När vi väl gick och la oss allihopa för att sova ville Daisy inte sova i egen säng utan i vår. Hon får jätte gärna sova i vår säng för oss båda, men problemet är att Daisy är aldrig still och speciellt inte när hon sover. Så inatt har jag (mamma) vaknat flera gånger av att Daisy har haft sina fötter i mitt ansikte.
Daisy slept at 8 o'clock last night, but wakened again at 11 and wouldnt go back to sleep. She wanted to watch TV with mamma and daddy instead. When we all went to bed Daisy didnt want to sleep in her cot. We dont mind having her in beside us, but the problem is that DAisy is never still, especially when she sleeps. SO during the night mamma has been wakened several times with daisy's feet in her face.
Daisy slept at 8 o'clock last night, but wakened again at 11 and wouldnt go back to sleep. She wanted to watch TV with mamma and daddy instead. When we all went to bed Daisy didnt want to sleep in her cot. We dont mind having her in beside us, but the problem is that DAisy is never still, especially when she sleeps. SO during the night mamma has been wakened several times with daisy's feet in her face.
The photo was taken at 11pm, Daisy is very tired but happy nevertheless.
Fotot är taget klockan elva på kvällen, det är en jätte trött men glad Daisy.

Daisy often wakens during the night with nightmares, apparently babies are in REM (when you dream) the majority of the time, unlinke adults who are in REM for 25% of the time. Mamma and Daddy secretly enjoy when she wakes up cos it's the only time they get a cuddle! It's also the only time Daisy will ever sleep in your arms, she has never done this even as a newborn (unless she has a breast in her face of course :P).

Here's me playing peek-a-boo with daddy this morning. I have a new found fascination with doors!
8 månader
Idag blir Daisy 8 månader. Hon har börjat ta tag i saker och dra sig uppåt, hon ålar, sitter och sover nästan hela nätter. Hon ammas nu bara på nätterna, vi får se hur daddy har tänkt fixa det nu när mamma börjar jobba om en vecka.
Daisy is 8 months old today. She has started grabbing onto things and pulling herself up, she creeps, sits and sleeps almost through the night. She only breast feeds during the night, we'll see how Daddy copes when mamma goes back to work next week!
Gone for a walk
I stugan
This weekend we are dog and cat sitting one cat and three dogs! Morbror M is on holiday with Elsa and Alicia and Momma and moffa are away for the weekend to see the Beach Boys in concert.
I had my first ever sauna!!
I found moffas secret supply of whisky!
Me taking Tess for a walk, or is it the other way around?!
Daisy och hennes vänner

Daisy och Wille (Mommo och moffas hund)

Daisy och Tess ( Morbrors hund)