Saturday morning

Playingwith Daddy while mummy has a well deserved long lie!

Daisy eating her first ever sandwich!


Daisy sover precis som sin kusin Elsa gjorde i spjälsängen.

Daisy lies in her cot just like her cousin Elsa used to.

Dagens outfit/ Outfit of the day

Idag har Daisy på sjg kläder ända från Skottland, dessa fick hon av sin gammelmorbror Dave, Frances, Vicky och Graeme.
Today Daisy is wearing clothes that came all the way from scotland, she got them from uncle dave, frances, vicky and graeme.

But I'm not tired Daddy!

I can hold on to my bottle all by myself now!

Daisy (+Daddy) isn't quite getting the hang of the bedtime routine, she drinks her bottle of välling (liquid porrdidge?!) in her cot and Daddy sings to her for a while, the first night it worked like a charm, she was fast asleep just as she was finishing the bottle. The second night was good, gave her her dummy and she fell asleep right away, But last night and now tonight she is bright as a button and the usual routine of country songs and nursery rhymes just aren't helping!!

Daisy på nya äventyr/ Daisys new adventures

Igår så låg Daisy på golvet i sovrummet och lekte. Helt plötsligt var hon bara borta! Vi hittade henne rullandes under sängen.
Daisy was lying playing on the floor yesterday. We turned around and she had dissapeared, she had rolled under the bed!

Reader questionnaire!

This is me eating some ox meat and vegetables, the question is who fed me and made all this mess?!:

A: I fed myself
B: Mummy fed me
C: Daddy fed me

Leave your answers in a comment (click 'kommentarer')

First bath with mum!

Here's me getting my first bath ever with mummy, up until now it's been daddy's job, but mummy took a shot while daddy was busy fixing the car.

Sommar!/ Summer!


Sommar! Nu får vi hoppas att det inte kommer mer snö. Daisy är hos mommo och moffa och njuter av det fina vädret.

Summer! Let's hope we've seen the last of the snow. Daisy is at her grandåparents and enjoying the nice weather.

Daisy har fällt sin första ren.../Daisy has caught her first reindeer

Daisy gick på renjakt idag på vardagsrums golvet. Det tog bara en liten stunds rullande förrän hon träffade på en ren. Vi vet inte riktigt hur hon fällde renen, om det var med armarna eller benen. Det gick så snabbt, helt plötsligt låg den på golvet och Daisy tog sin första smakbit av renkött.
Daisy went reindeer hunting today. After just a little bit of rolling she came across a reindeer. We don't know how she knocked it over, if she used her arms or legs. It went so fast, all of a sudden the reindeer was lynig on the floor and Daisy got her first taste of reindeer meat.

Vår lilla apa/ Our little ape

Daisy är beviset på att människan härstammar från aporna. Hon ser ut som en och beter sig som en. När hon leker med sina leksakar så håller hon dom med både händer och fötter.

Just nu så ligger Daisy på golvet och leker med telefonen och fjärrkontrollen. Det är hennes bästa leksaker. Mamma är trött och jätteförkyld och hade helst vilja sova, men det vill inte Daisy.
Daisy is proof that we evolved from apes. She looks like one and behaves like one. She holds her toys with both her hands and feet.

Daisy is lying on the floor right now playing with the telephone and remote control. These are her favourite toys. Mummy is tired and has a bad cold and really needs a sleep, but Daisy isnt cooperating.

Idag har vi hunnit med mycket/ We've been busy today


Idag har vi hunnit med mycket medans pappa var på jobbet. Vi var på stan med tant linda. Sen tog vi en promenad och hämtade kusinerna från skolan och förskolan.

We've been busy today while Daddy has been at work. We've been to town and met linda and after that we took a walk to meet Daisy's cousins from school and nursery.

Daisy och pappa löser korsord/ Daisy and Daddy doing the crossword


Daisy och pappa löser korsord i sängen innan de ska sova.

Daisy and daddy doing the crossword before going to sleep.

En natts sömn/ A night's sleep

Daisy och pappa tar en förmiddagslur på soffan hand i hand.

Äntligen så börjar det se ljust ut med Daisys sovande. Igår kväll somna hon vid halv nio på kvällen, vaknade första gången för att äta kl 6 på morgonen!! När hon ätit så somna hon om och sov till halv nio.  Det är ett nytt rekord för henne, det har aldrig tidigare gått så länge mellan en matning. 

Daisy har börjat äta en hel portion mat till lunch nu, hon har hunnit smaka allt möjligt nu. Hon äter också en portion gröt på kvällen.
Daisy and daddy take a morning nap on the sofa, hand in hand.

Daisy's sleeping habbits are at last getting better. She fell asleep at 8:30 last night and didnt wake up until 6am for a feed!! After she had eaten she fell asleep until 8:30. This is a new record, she has never gone as long between feeds.

Daisy has started eating a full portion of solids for lunch, she has gotten to taste lots of things now (started to eat chicken this week) She also eats a bowl of porridge in the evenings.

Mummy and Daddys bed is the best!

On the right you can see  my "cot", mum and dad sometimes put me in there, sing to me, then i have a quick nap before getting in beside them. Dont really understand why they have a whole extra bed just to sing to me for 10 minutes every night? Everyone really knows that the best place to sleep is in beside mummy and daddy. But right now I have the bed all to myself so I'm having a right good stretch...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Daisy tar sig fram genom att rulla/ Daisy gets around by rolling


Daisy tar sig fram genom att rulla dit hon ska. Idag har hon varit med mamma på fackligt möte, där fanns det roliga tanter och en sjungande farbror.

Daisy gets around by rolling to get where she wants to go. Today she has been with mum to a union meeting, where she met funny ladies and a singing man. (what kind of meeting was this exactly?!)

Daisy sitter och leker/ Daisy sitting and playing

Daisy kan sitta med stöd. Vår lofasen börjar bli stor. Hon har också två tänder på väg upp.

Daisy can sit up, with a little support. Our lofasen is getting big. She even has two teeth on the way.

6-månader/ 6 months old


Idag blir Daisy 6 månader. Vi var till bvc, för mätning, vägning, läkarundersökning och sprutor. Hon vägde 8630g och var 70cm lång. Enligt läkaren så är hon helt normal.

Daisy is 6 months old today. We have been to the hospital for measuring, weighing, examination and vaccination. She weighs 8630g (~ 19lbs) and is 70cm long. The doctor said everything is completely normal.

Majskrokar på arlanda./Corn puffs at the airport

Jag sitter här på arlanda och äter majskrokar. Vi har fått vänta här i flera timmar, men om 2 timmar får vi äntligen åka hem!

I'm sitting here at the airport eating corn puffs. We've been waiting for hours, but in just two hours we get to fly home!

At the pizza restaurant

Sleeping at the departure lounge

Almost home

Driving miss Daisy.


Driving miss Daisy. Here's me taking over the wheel to give daddy a break from driving. They have funny cars in scotland with the steering wheel on the wrong side. Everybody in scotland speaks the same way as daddy does! We are in stockholm waiting for our flight home then moffa is coming to pick us up from the airport.

Daisy's first flight.


Daisy's first flight. Here's me getting on my first ever flight. I'm now an accomplished flier with my own airmiles card!

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